Cupping therapy is an ancient Chinese form of alternative medicine in which a local suction is created on the skin, it mobilizes blood flow in order to promote healing, suction is created using heat (fire) or mechanical devices (hand or electrical pumps).
One of the reasons why cupping therapy is often coupled with acupuncture is that both treatments follow the body's natural meridian lines, which are believed to be the pathways through which the body's "life energy," or "qi," flows. Since it is traditionally used on the back, cupping therapy follows the back's five meridian lines, which is meant to both align and relax the qi and open up all the channels through which energy flows.
It can leave temporary bruised marks on the skin.
One of the reasons why cupping therapy is often coupled with acupuncture is that both treatments follow the body's natural meridian lines, which are believed to be the pathways through which the body's "life energy," or "qi," flows. Since it is traditionally used on the back, cupping therapy follows the back's five meridian lines, which is meant to both align and relax the qi and open up all the channels through which energy flows.
It can leave temporary bruised marks on the skin.